Cloudian - Acid Cloud: Destroys Spells and Traps. Always good to run multiple copies.
Cloudian - Altus: Gets counters for every Cloudian your have when it's summoned. Let's you get counters more easily.
Cloudian - Cirrostratus: Destroys monsters. See Acid Cloud.
Cloudian - Storm Dragon: Special summons itself, so you can swarm the field.
Summon Cloud: Special summons one Cloudian if you don't control one.
Cloudian - Turbulence: Swarms with Cloudian - Smoke Balls, which let you use the next card, or a certain Field Spell.
Cloudian - Eye of the Typhoon: I don't see this card all that often...probably better options to use.
Darklord Desire: This card DOES work...everything in the deck is Fairy, so you can play this easily.
Salvage: All Cloudians are weak, so you can add them back to your hand.
Lemuria, the Forgotten City: Water monsters gain levels for every Water monster you control. So if you control two level four Water monsters, and activate the effect of the Field Spell, they both become level 6. Opens up for more Xyz options. With multiple Smoke Balls, you can do 7s or even 8s.
Cloudian - Nimbusman: Can get to be a real powerhouse if you have a lot of counters on the field.
Moray of Greed: You can swap out the Smoke Balls in your hand for better cards (can't SS them with Turbulence unless they are in the deck or Graveyard)
Sanctuary in the Sky: Instead of Lemuria, you can run this. Since Cloudians are Fariy, and can't be destroyed by battle, you have invincible monsters and take no damage.
That's all the help I'm giving
Not gonna build the entire deck for you.