Blackwings vs. Cyber Blader
Deck Consistency: 6/10 (Had a few ways of getting the cards needed)
Field Control: 3/10
Siding Skills: 10/10 (Shadow Mirror is one of the best counters to Blackwings)
Originality: 10/10 (Don't see Cyber Blader decks...ever)
Misplays: 10/10
Knowledge of Rulings: 10/10
User's Skill With Deck: 7/10 (Knew how it worked and best way to get Cyber Blader out)
Control of Duel: 2/10 (Didn't have much control)
Deck Speed: 6/10 (Not extremely fast...takes a couple turns to get going)
Deck Style: 8/10 (Rather intriguing...Rahz and Lavalval Chain were interesting choices to get the cards needed)
Total: 72/100
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