Deck Size: 40 = 10/10
Dueling Style: 5/5 One turn kill, really hard
Attitude: 4/5 Not very fun but never rude
Field Control: 10/10 Royal Decree shut me down
Siding Skills: 10/10 (How the side effect on the field at the next duel)
Originality: 9/10 Pretty clever Chronomaly otk build
Misplays: 4/5 One small one which allowed me additional damage
Knowledge Of Rulings: 7/10 One small issue with
Skill With Deck: 5/5 Clearly uses each card well and effectively
Control Of Duel: 8/10 Royal Decree was his only real control, if he didnt luck into so many I could stop his otks
Quickness Of Deck: 7/10 Sometimes needs to wait to pull off his otk
Deck Style: 10/10
Total: 89/100
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